Follow these instructions to collect basic page tracking data from a website. Once you have successfully installed basic page tracking on your site, you'll see data in most of your Google Analytics reports, including traffic referral information, user characteristics, and browsing information. It may take 24 hours for data to appear in your reports once tracking has been installed.
- To install a Google Analytics tag, create a new tag and select Google Analytics as the tag type.
- Select a trigger for the tag to fire, such as “All Pages”, and then configure your Google Analytics tag by providing your Google Analytics tracking ID.
- Give your tag a name (eg: “Google Analytics All”) and enter your property’s Tracking ID in the required field.
You can find the Tracking ID from within Google Analytics listed in Admin → Property → Property Settings or in Admin → Tracking Info → Tracking Code. Alternately, you can find the Tracking ID by clicking on Home and expanding the Account folder; the Tracking ID will be listed next to the Property Name. In any of these cases, the number will have a format that looks like this: UA-xxxxxx-xx.