The purpose of the Style Guide is to provide layout templates for content creation. You can find it under Appearance > Style Guide.

This will provide you with the templates for almost anything you need (buttons, text, headings, etc.). It should look something like this:

If you wanted to install a button onto a page, you would scroll down to the "Button Options" section, and select which button to use.

To install the "Primary" button, you would select ALL of this code for that template and copy it.

To input this into a page:

1. Go to a basic page and click "Edit."

2. Click the "Source" button within the WYSIWYG. The other buttons will grey out.

3. Paste your code into the WYSIWYG

4. Click the <> Source button again to return you to the regular text edit.

You will now be easily able to change out images and text in the WYSIWYG. Be sure to click "Save" when done with your edits.