Under Configuration > Multisite redirect

  1. Add Redirect -- blue button at the top of the screen
  2. Under the Site dropdown, you may select the site in which you want to redirect from. (Example: yourwebsite.com to yournewwebsite.com). 
  3. Under Path you will type in the URL path in which you want to redirect from (not necessary to spell out the http://www.datacert.com). In the example you can include specific URLs like products/T360
  4. The * after the URL is a wildcard. This is to tell the module that anything after the URL should also be taken to this new redirect, regardless of what it is. As long as it has the products/T360 prefix
  5. In the To field you will enter the URL of where you want the redirect to go to - lucky for us this looks like a one-to-one (for the most part)
  6. Click Save.
  7. Remember, this is also for SEO purpose---so keep in mind those major landing pages that generate traffic, will want to have their own redirects