Internal Linking:

If the link you plan to add leads to a Drupal node, first be sure your menu is enabled in the node's content type. It is possible to add menu links that are not enabled this way using the first method below. If you do, you will find that certain changes cause your link to disappear from the assigned menu. 

  • Navigate to the content type for the node (Structure > Content types or 
  • Locate the content type and click edit.
  • Choose Menu settings. Click the checkbox of the menu you need. 
  • (Optional) Set the Default parent item to choose a default menu for this content type.
Using the Menus Section
  1. Navigate to the Menus page (Structure > Menus or ).
  2. Locate a menu to edit and click add link.
  3. Add a Menu Link Title and Path. The path will be an internal Drupal path such as node/212.
  4. Select Save. 
External Linking: 

Similar to Internal Linking, External Linking you follow the same instructions:

  1. Navigate to the Menus page (Structure > Menus or ).
  2. Locate a menu to edit and click add link.
  3. Add a Menu Link Title add Path. The path will be the external URL you wish for the menu link to connect to.
  4. Select Save.